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Overview of Courses:

Master of Science in Hospitality and Hotel Administration

[scp_table columns=”Course|Duration| Entry Level Qualification |Maximum Age”]

[scp_table_row labels=”Master of Science in Hospitality and Hotel Administration | 2 Years |3 year diploma and/or 3/ 4 year graduates in hotel management| —-“]


Course Duration Entry Level Qualification Maximum Age
Master of Science in Hospitality and Hotel Administration 2 Years 3-year diploma and/or 3/4-year graduates in hotel management

The M.Sc. Program is offered jointly by NCHMCT and IGNOU at the selected Institute of Hotel Management. The program provides opportunity to 3 year diploma and 3/ 4 year graduates in hotel management to peruse advanced post graduate course in Hospitality Administration. The program provides specific focus on the services sector as against majority of MBA programs which concentrate on merchandise and manufacturing businesses. Specialized components such as team project and mentorship, under the guidance of industry specialists, broaden the learning spectrum and position the M.Sc. scholar to be readily accepted in the hospitality and service industry.