Welcome to IHM



Working Hours:

The working hours of the Institute is from 9 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. for five days a week. (Monday-Friday)

Institute Regulations:

  • Every student must always carry his/her identity card which will be supplied by the Institute office on payment and produce as and when necessary.
  • The students must not absent themselves from any Institute activity without the prior permission of the Principal.
  • The Institute may take disciplinary action against a student whose conduct is not satisfactory and fees paid will be forfeited in such cases.
  • Smoking & drinking is strictly prohibited in the Institute complex.
  • No student should communicate any information or write about matters dealing with Institute administration in the press.
  • Students are required to confirm to the grooming standards of the Institute such as appropriate clothing, uniforms etc.
  • The conduct of the students in their classes as well as on the premises of the Institute shall be such as will cause the least disturbance to the fellow students or to other classes. The Principal may expel a student whose work or conduct is not satisfactory and the entire fees paid shall be forfeited.
  • Students must not loiter around the Institute premises while the classes are at work.
  • No society shall be formed either in the Institute or in the Hostel and no person shall be invited to address a meeting without Principal’s previous permission.
  • In Institute debates and other meetings, the Chair must be taken by a responsible person approved by the Principal and the subject of debates must have the previous approval of the Principal.
  • No students will be allowed to take active part in current politics.
  • Students are expected to take proper care of the Institute property and to help in keeping the premises neat and tidy. Any damage done to the property of the Institute by disfiguring walls, door-fitting or breaking furniture etc., is breach of discipline and those responsible will be dully punished.
  • If for any reason, the continuance of a student in the Institute is in the opinion of the Principal, detrimental to the best interest of the Institute, the Principal may ask such a student to leave the Institute without giving reasons for his/her decision and such a decision shall be final and binding on the student.
  • Students, when free, should make use of the Institute Library.
  • Any property of the Institute damaged due to negligence by a student or students will have to be replaced or paid for by them.
  • The medium of instruction and examination is in English.
  • Absence without leave is considered a breach of discipline.
  • The Institute authorities cannot accept any liability in respect of any accident caused to a student while engaged in practical work or due to any other causes. However best available medical assistance shall be arranged in such individual cases.
  • Any change of address should be immediately notified for Institute’s records.
  • Ragging of any form is completely banned in the country and so is in IHM, Guwahati. Anyone found ragging will be rusticated from the Institution and the entire money deposited by hi,/her shall be forfeited.
  • Matters not covered by the existing rules will rest at the absolute discretion of the Institute.

Attendance Rules & Regulations:

A candidate must have to attend not less than 70 per cent of classes in any individual subject theory or practical taken separately during the session last attended and minimum of 75 per cent of aggregate (effective teaching hours/contact hours). Attendance in lectures, practical and tutorials shall be counted from the date of commencement of teaching or date of admission (as the case may be).

When on account of bonafide illness (supported by a Medical Certification from a Registered Medical Practitioner) produced by the candidate at the time of illness or immediately thereafter the total attendance of a candidate falls short up to a maximum of 10 per cent of the total working days, the head of the Institution shall be competent to condone such deficiency in attendance and permit such a candidate of appearing for the examination if otherwise eligible.

Notwithstanding the forwarding of forms of applications for admission to examination and payment examination fess to the National Council, the head of the Institution shall be competent to withdraw such applications in respect of those candidates who do not fulfill condition laid down by the National Council from time to time, at any time before the commencement of the examination and to dis-allow those candidates from appearing for the examination.

Student must attend theory classes, practical and tutorial of the institute and must visit catering establishments and take part in indoor and outdoor catering parties arranged by the Institute. Students must not absent themselves from any Institutional curricular and extracurricular activities without the previous permission of the Principal. Any absence without leave may lead to loss of term, since to keep a term a student has to comply to the satisfaction of the Principal, the course of study prescribed for the class to which the student belongs.

All classes start at 9 A.M. and if a student is absent at the beginning or in between the normal working hours without proper permission, he/she will be marked absent for the whole day.

Student should be regular and punctual in attendance in classes, laboratories, practical and tutorials and in submission of term-work of the various subjects.

Terms may not be granted and student may not be certified for the final examination if his/her progress including the performance of the mid-year examinations, regularity and attendance are not satisfactory.

Absence without sanctioned leave is considered a breach of discipline. Leave without permission is liable to fines. No leave will be granted without previous written application except in case of illness or emergency. Prior permission must be obtained for all other leave from the Principal or head of the department who will consider the application on individual merit.

Identity Card:

Every student must have Institute’s valid Identity Card.

It must be presented for Library Reading Room, Examination Hall, Out-Door Catering, Job Training etc. and also for administrative purpose.

Loss of Identity Card must be reported to the office immediately.

Duplicate Identity Card is issued after lodging an FIR to the nearest police station and the submission of the copy of FIR to the office of the Institution.

If any one discontinues the study Identity Card must be surrendered to the office immediately.

Information to Guardian:

The guardians are informed of the academic progress, class attendance and conduct of their wards twice in a year.

Training Methodology:

A judicious mix of both practical and theoretical instruction is imparted at the institute. In addition, the programme is also supplemented with industrial release. There is also a balance maintained between technical and management inputs.