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Right to Information: INFORMATION MANUAL


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Manual of Information under the Right to Information Act. 2005

Organization- Institute of Hotel Management, Catering Technology, and Applied Nutrition Guwahati is an autonomous Institution under Ministry of Tourism, Government of India. In 1984 the Dept.of Tourism,Govt.of India and Govt. of Assam established the Food Craft Institute Guwahati and subsequently it was upgraded to Institute of Hotel Management in 1995 by Ministry of Tourism, Govt.of India. The Institute is registered under societies Registration Act 1860 and it has its own Memorandum of Association, Rules and regulations, By Laws as per guidelines of Ministry of Tourism,Govt.of India from time to time. The day to day administration of the Institute is vested with the Principal who works under the overall supervision, guidance and co operation of the Hon’ble Board of Governors.

  1. F2.Functions and Duties – Institute of Hotel Management, Guwahati is an educational Institute and its main functions and duties are-

(i) To provide instruction and training in all the crafts and skills, all the branches of knowledge both theoretical and applied, and all the organizational and management techniques which are required for the efficient functioning of catering establishments of all kinds, as well as institutional feeding programs in schools, industrial establishments and similar organizations.

(ii) To impart instruction and training in modern and scientific techniques of management of modern hotels and hostels.

(iii) To undertake and to associate itself with nutritional extension and development work.

(iv) To propagate economy in the handling and utilization of foodstuffs.

(v) To assist in and associate itself with the efforts of the Central and State Governments to popularized wholesome non cereal foods, particularly protective foods, with a view to the diversification of the ordinary Indian diet and the enrichment of its nutritional content.

(vi) To assist in and associate itself with the attempts of food research institutions, food scientists and food technologists to find effective and acceptable means of presenting their nutritional ideas through the development of suitable receipts and the planning of menus.

(vii) To prescribe courses of instruction, hold examinations and grant certificates, diplomas and other awards to persons.

(viii) To fix and demand such fees and other charges as may be laid down in the bye-laws.

(ix) To establish, maintain and manage halls and hostels for the residence of students and members of the staff.

(x) To supervise and control the residence, to regulate the discipline of students of the Institute and to make arrangements for promoting their health, general welfare and cultural and corporate life.

(xi) To institute teaching, administrative, technical, ministerial and such other posts as may be necessary and to make appointments thereto in accordance with rules and bye-laws, and

(xii) To seek affiliation with Universities or other appropriate academic or governmental bodies or institutions, and obtain the recognition of its courses of instruction, its examinations, its diplomas, certificates and other awards by the appropriate educational authorities.

  1. P3.Powers and duties of Officers and Employees – The Organization Chart of the Institute is placed at Annexure-I indicate the hierarchy of various officers in the Institute. It also indicates the powers and duties.
  2. P4.Procedure followed in the decision making process, including channels of supervision and accountability -The routine academic and administrative decisions are taken by the Principal in consultation with the Head of Department & Administrative Officer of the Institute .The power of the decision may be delegated to the Head of Department & Administrative Officer from time to time. The matters apart from the day to day affairs are presented to the Chairman, Board of Governors and Administrative Ministry for decisions/ approval/ guidance.

The 5.The norm set for the discharge of functions of the Ministry.

  1. i)Academic Functions —The main function of the Institute is to facilitate the academic activity and academic administration. The subjects, syllabus, teaching load and academic calendar is formulated by the National Council for Hotel Management, Noida for all 24 Institutes of Hotel Management affiliated with the council. All other academic decisions are taken by the Principal in consultation with the Board of Governors and Head of Department and other faculty members.
  2. ii)Administrative Functions -The administrative functions are discharged by the Principal in consultation with the Administrative Officer, Office Superintendent and Accountant as per the rules of Government of India adopted by the Institute.
  3. T6.The rules, regulations, instructions, manuals and records held by it are under its control or used by its employees for discharging its functions -The Institute follows recruitment and promotion rules designed specifically for the Institutes of Hotel Management under Department of Tourism, Govt. of India. In all other matters Institute follows the same rules, regulations and Manuals etc. as prescribed by the Central Government for Central Civil Services Organizations.
  4. S
  5. 97.A statement of the Boards, Councils, Committees and other bodies consisting of two or more persons constituted as its part or for the purpose of its advice, and as to whether meetings of those boards, councils, Committees and other bodies are open to the public, or the minutes of such meetings are accessible for public as per rule. The Board of Governors of Institute of Hotel Management, Guwahati is comprised of the members from the Government of India, State Government and eminent personalities of the Hotel & Restaurant Industry. The Board of Governors of Institute of Hotel Management, Guwahati is headed by Principal Secretary-Tourism/Finance Government of Assam. The list of present Board of Governors is placed at Annexure-II.
  6. 8.A directory of officers and employees – The information is placed at the Annex-III.
  7. 9.The monthly remuneration received by each of its officers and Employees, Including the system of compensation as provided in its regulations – The Salaries and allowances of the employees of Institute are those prescribed by the Department of Tourism, Government of India and the Ministry of Finances from time to time, for Central Government employees of different Categories with the approval of the Board of Governors. The relevant Information is placed at Annexure -IV.
  8. 10.The budget allocated to each of its agency, indicating the particulars of all plans, proposed expenditure and reports on disbursements made – Institute of Hotel Management, Guwahati is occasionally received the revenue grant to meet up the deficit due to shortage of admission and gets Capital Grant-in-aid from the Department of Tourism, Government of India for the proposals approved by the Board of Governors from time to time. A statement of budget is placed at Annexure -V.
  9. 11.Particulars of concessions, permits or authorization granted by the Department of Tourism, Government of India – No concessions, permits or authorization is granted by the Department of Tourism, Government of India.
  10. 12.Details in respect of the information, available to or held by it, reduced in an electronic form – The information about the Institute is available on its website www.ihmctanghy.org.in
  11. 13.The names, designations and other particulars of the Public Information Officer/Assistant Public Information Officer:- The information regarding Public Information Officer and Assistant Public Information Officer in the Institute is placed at Annexure- VI.